
Weekend Getaway: Treehouse Edition

I’ve been on a quite a long hiatus from the blogging world. Moving and graduation will do that to you. It also doesn’t help that my internet provider is highly unreliable, but that’s a whole other issue. Point of the story is I’m back in full force! Hellllo internet, how I’ve missed you.

Last weekend my boyfriend and I celebrated my graduation with a mini vacation to the lovely Qualicum beach. We stayed in these “Spirit Spheres” i.e. wood balls suspended in trees, not gonna lie it was pretty amazing.
The Spirit Sphere
Thrift store goods from head to toe minus shoes from Front

Man vs. BBQ
Breakfast: veggie sausage with melted cheese, grilled veggies, guacamole, refried beans and of course loads of coffee.
Fallen log foot bridge 
En route to Qualicum river...we think, or the old growth forest. 
We made it (what a nerd)!
We had a really nice time away from the city for a few days. So if you've got some time kicking around in the near future I highly recommend going here. 

Fun fact: average age of a Qualicum resident is 67

1 comment:

  1. looks amaaaaazing, and you two seem to blend into the rustic life quite nicely! maybe you'll be the next 67-year-old Qualicum locals!
